The House that Jesse Built 5x7 9/8/2018
Quarters 1 5x7 9/8/2018
Spruce Tree House Alcove 5x7 9/8/2018
View south down Sand Canyon 5x7 5/19/2018
Sand Canyon Pueblo 5x7 5/19/2018
Mancos Valley, Colorado 5x7 tintype 4/22/2018
Montezuma Valley 5x7 3/10/2018
Ismay Petroglyph Site 5x7 10/2/2017
Ismay Petroglyph Site 5x7 10/2/2017
Cutthroat Castle 5x7 7/30/2017
Cutthroat Castle 5x7 7/30/2017
Cutthroat Castle 5x7 7/30/2017
Camp Life, Fort Gillian 5x7 5/6/2017
Grave of Charles Goodman 5x7 2/9/2017
Black Canyon City, Arizona 5x7 11/25/2016
5x7 11/26/2016
5x7 11/26/2016
5x7 11/26/2016
Pedro Point 5x7 11/11/2016
Pedro Point 5x7 11/11/2016
Pedro Point 5x7 11/11/2016
Pedro Point 5x7 11/11/2016
5x7 10/10/2016
5x7 10/10/2016
Apple Orchard 5x7 10/7/2016
Cannonball Ruins
Cannonball Ruins
Dolores River
Dolores River
Dolores River
McElmo Canyon 8/31/2015
Summit Reservoir
Montezuma Avenue
KOA campground, Black Canyon City
Hawkins Preserve
McElmo Canyon
Washington Street